Category: natural-language-processing

Posted: January 09, 2024

Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models

[Generative Model] CycleGAN

Category: generative-model

Posted: September 02, 2023

Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks


Category: natural-language-processing

Posted: August 30, 2023

BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding


Category: natural-language-processing

Posted: August 29, 2023

Embeddings from Language Models

[CV] Neural Style Transfer

Category: computer-vision

Posted: August 11, 2023

Review of the paper [CVPR 16] “A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style” by Leon Gatys et al.

[Analysis] Neighborhoods and Limit points

Category: analysis

Posted: August 11, 2023

Before we dive into real analysis in earnest, we will go over the important and basic properties of $\mathbb{R}$ in this post so as to understand about $\mat...

[Analysis] Completeness of Real Numbers

Category: analysis

Posted: July 25, 2023

Before we dive into real analysis in earnest, we will go over the important and basic properties of $\mathbb{R}$ in this post so as to understand about $\mat...

[RL] Model-Free Control

Category: reinforcement-learning

Posted: April 04, 2023

Monte-Carlo and Temporal-Difference Control, Off-Policy Learning

[RL] Model-Free Prediction

Category: reinforcement-learning

Posted: March 31, 2023

Monte-Carlo Prediction, Temporal-Difference Prediction

[RL] Dynamic Programming

Category: reinforcement-learning

Posted: March 22, 2023

Iterative algorithms for computing value functions

[Representation Learning] CLIP

Category: representation-learning

Posted: January 27, 2023

Learning Transferable Visual Models From Natural Language Supervision

[ML] EM Algorithm

Category: machine-learning

Posted: December 20, 2022

Iterative method for finding MLE

[DL] Transformer

Category: deep-learning

Posted: November 16, 2022

Attention is all you need

[DL] Layer Normalization

Category: deep-learning

Posted: November 10, 2022

Attention, Self-Attention, and Multi-head Self-Attention

[DL] Seq2Seq

Category: deep-learning

Posted: November 01, 2022

Sequence-to-sequence problem in machine learning


Category: deep-learning

Posted: November 01, 2022

Gating and long term memory

[DL] Dropout

Category: deep-learning

Posted: September 22, 2022

Ensemble Learning and Dropout

[DL] Batch Normalization

Category: deep-learning

Posted: September 19, 2022

Batch Normalization, one of the most frequently used techniques in training neural networks

[Linear Algebra] Definiteness

Category: linear-algebra

Posted: March 29, 2022

Definiteness of matrix plays an instrumental role in various areas of mathematics, such as convex optimization. It also even comes a lot in statistics, espec...